Tel: 01967 402257

on the 
Ardnamurchan Peninsula

Amazing wildlife all around


Here are just some of the best trips and people to meet...

Ardmanurchan is famous for being home to most of Scotland's rare and wonderful wildlife. Otters, Red Deer, Pine Martens, Red Squirrels, and Golden Eagles.  All are regular visitors to the hotel and the loch as well as a myriad of sea birds along our shoreline. The haunting cry of the Oyster Catchers are a constant reminder of where you are and Kilcamb Lodge is perfectly placed to enjoy it all on our doorstep.

From Dolphin and Whale watching off the stunning coast to Otters at the bottom of the garden and Golden Eagles on one of the many trips in and around the area.



















Garbh Eileen Wildlife Hide - on our doorstep!

Hide is worth a special mention as it's a great place to see the local wildlife, involves just a short,  steady walk, and is not far out of from Kilcamb Lodge. Just turn left out of our drive, take the A816 west for about 4¼ miles (7 km). Garbh Eilean car park is on the left. PH36 4HY is the nearest postcode.  Here you can watch seals bask on the rocks, view the heronry on the rocks opposite. 


The shores of Loch Sunart are home to some of the finest temperate oakwoods in the British Isles. These semi-natural woodlands are home to some of Europe’s best collections of lichens, mosses and liverworts. 











Puffins & whale watching

AA fantastic day out and a "must do" trip showcasing some iconic and not to be missed sights in the waters off the West coast of Scotland.  All are easily completed in a one day boat trip which will take your breath away.

Puffins are some of the most tame and adorable species of Scottish birds and they are plentiful on Staffa from May to July.  You can sit amongst them and enjoy their endeering antics off the cliffs of Staffa.  Staffa is also the rock which houses the famous “Fingals Cave”  The inspiration for the wonderful Mendelssohn overture written in 1829.  Basking Sharks are the largest of all the shark species but completely harmless, feeding on plankton which they filter through their ever open mouths as they swim along.  They can easily be sighted on both outward and return journeys on this magical trip.

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Otter spotting


If you are looking for Otters, then Andy Jackson is the man to see. He has a wonderful video of one of his nature "otter spotting" trips and is something of an expert on their habits and more importantly their whereabouts!!

If you are lucky, you may get a sighting at the Wildlife hide just 20 minutes from Kilcamb. Many sightings have been logged but its a nice wee walk as well!

For more information Click

We also see otters regularly at Kilcamb Lodge, as well as Pine Martens and Stags and even Golden Eagles so be sure to keep a watchfull eye open at all times!!


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Get in touch

Telephone: +44  01967 402257


Address: Strontian, Argyll, Highlands of Scotland, PH36 4HY

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